Holding your line across a fence mid flight is a very important part of jumping. Horses tend to move towards […]

Landing and having to be on your new line whether its show jumping or cross country is a really key […]

Training the horse to stay in balance when moving up or down a slope is crucial as when you’re out […]

Shoulder brushes are notoriously difficult to jump if your horse isn’t 100% straight. Training from the beginning using a straight […]

This exercise is a fantastic base exercise for all horses and riders. It develops suppleness, awareness of pattern, good footwork, […]

It is important that you teach the horse the skill of following the steering aids through a jump and having […]

Having the confidence to steer your horse through a turning line whilst jumping has to be brought in within the […]

Landing after a fence and doing a correct turn is associated with the approach to the first fence. If you […]