This is a very valuable area of a horse and rider's training as it can be the important building blocks to the future success of a partnership. This training is often in a non threatening environment so everything happens slowly, with confidence, and then later can relate to competition. We will look at: training the narrow fence; training on gradients; training the young horse to be reactive and include reaction training for the rider; exercises to improve riding to a corner; exercises to develop feel riding through combination fences; looking at rider posture, stirrup length and lateral balance; using steps and narrow fences in a combination; the importance of straightness to the millimetre; how to ride a rhythm fence; building the confidence with angled fences; coaching the horse to be confident with high sided shoulder brushes; and lots more.

Landing on a line which is turning, especially downhill or slightly blind for the horse is essential to put into […]

Training with narrow fences. Training a horse to take off and land in the corresponding spot is a crucial part […]

This clip shows the importance of quiet, invisible aids when approaching the fence. When there is a lot of movement […]

This clips looks at how a horse sights, recognises and participates in the approach to a fence. We look at […]

This clip teaches the horse and rider to use a spread fence as a turning fence to a corner. This […]

This clip looks at a typical turning line to an accuracy fence with two different riders. It is an advanced […]

This clip demonstrates how a young horse has to learn footwork and reading different questions. It requires empathetic and thoughtful […]

Training straightness with steps and narrow fences. This clip shows how you start the building blocks of a step and […]

This clip shows a step by step approach to training a young horse to follow the riders turning aids to […]

This clip shows the importance of teaching the horse and rider balance when making a directional aid when there are […]